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RDB Organic Olive Oil Soap

When you are looking for the finest Tunisian olive oil, RDB organic olive oil soap and Virgin olive oil, Mediterranean Delight has got you covered. Taste wealth and health with Mediterranean Delight's RDB organic olive oil soap. To open a Mediterranean window, we are willing to knock on every door for you to taste the wealth and health of the Mediterranean diet.

Our mission is to open a Mediterranean window in every American cuisine with our RDB organic olive oil soap, Tunisian olive oil and Virgin olive oil. Our RDB organic olive oil soap is simply the best. Allow us to prove it to you.. avail of our RDB organic olive oil soap now. Browse through our site to know more about the variety of RDB organic olive oil soap extracted in our mills. We control our trees and our harvest so that we know exactly the different qualities and quantities of RDB organic olive oil soap we will be offering every year.

Mediterranean Delight is a proud subsidiary of C.H.O. “Societe de conditionnement des huiles d’olive,” the biggest Tunisian RDB organic olive oil soap producer. With the strict control of our olive trees being the first step in producing quality RDB organic olive oil soap, you are guaranteed only the finest. Aside from RDB organic olive oil soap, you can choose from our amazing family of products:

  • Terra Delyssa Olive Oil

  • Organic Olive Oil

  • Bulk Oil and Food Service

  • Family of Artichokes

  • Sun Dried Tomatoes

  • Terra Delyssa Specialties

  • and more!
With Mediterranean Delight, RDB organic olive oil soap can not get any better.

Our RDB organic olive oil soap does not only preserve the taste and aroma of your food, it's also natural and healthy. Our RDB organic olive oil soap is definitely the food industry's favorite: perfect flavor yet preserves the aroma of the food. We dream and set our goal to see a Terra Delyssa RDB organic olive oil soap or Virgin olive oil in every American cuisine, and to see a Terra Delyssa antipasti with olive oil decorating every American table.

Our RDB organic olive oil soap are specially handpicked and are chemically free. Our mills started with our grandfathers, collecting olives from their own fields and crashing them with traditional horse and camel powered crasher. We inherited their love for the olive tree and respect for olive oil, making us produce exceptional RDB organic olive oil soap, Virgin olive oil and Tunisian olive oil through the years.

P.O Box 11812, Alexandria, VA 22312
Phone: (703) 671 8831 | Fax: (703) 997 1455
Email: mailto:info@terradelyssa.com

Olive Oil

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